What is Namecheap Spam Protection?
Namecheap Spam Protection (powered by SpamExperts™) is a powerful anti-spam and anti-virus system. What makes it different from other providers on the market is the incredibly low false positives rate. This is achieved by the proprietary self-learning smart technologies allowing to eliminate spam before it reaches the network. The spam intelligence comes from processing millions of emails, applying continuous improvements in secure data collection/analysis and detecting new patterns. That accumulated intelligence is shared real-time with all users worldwide. You can find more details at the SpamExperts site.
At this time, Namecheap Spam Protection is enabled on our shared servers. Also, it works for our Free Email Forwarding. However, we plan on implementing it for all mail services we provide in the near future.
What spam protection options do you offer?
Our company takes spam seriously and maintains most up-to-date anti-spam and anti-virus protection for the mail services we provide. Free Email Forwarding on our default nameservers is using Namecheap Spam Protection (powered by SpamExperts™). For additional information refer to this article.
The Hosting Email and Namecheap Private Email services are configured to work with such reputable public blacklists as SpamCop, Spamhaus, etc. for efficient basic filtering. Hosting Email is also using Namecheap Spam Protection (powered by SpamExperts™) that can be configured according to this article.
We also have the SpamAssassin software installed on our servers which provides advanced smart mail account protection. Hosting users can set it up through cPanel, the guidelines on how to do that can be found here. To get additional assistance on the spam filter configuration or quarantine access, please contact our HelpDesk.