Login To cPanel

This article has been solely written down for dummies & newbies accessing cPanel for the first time.

After setting up account on FortuneHost server user receives Welcome Email equipped with all the login details and links.

And yet, this article will educate you step-by-step on how to access cPanel by either ways.

Way 1. Accessing cPanel from Client Portal.

1.  Log in to Client Portal from here .

2. Click ‘View All‘ button under Your Active Products/Services.

3.  Click ‘Active‘ button of the hosting account you want.

4. On the L.H.S under ‘Actions’ menu click ‘Login to cPanel


Way 2By Using URL In the Browser.

1.  Insert the following URL in your browser to log in to cPanel.

a. yourdomain.com/cpanel

b. cpanel.yourdomain.com

2. Type the username & password in the login prompt. The login details can be grabbed from Welcome Email.

Note – Replace ‘yourdomain.com’ with your domain.


Way 3. By Using cPanel Port with URL In Browser.

1.  Access the following URL with cPanel port 2082 & 2083 (with SSL).



Note – Replace ‘yourdomain.com’ with your domain.